Office in Nice

+33 4 93 80 79 85

Treatment in Europe


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В ближайшее время мы с Вами свяжемся

Thanks to our considerable experience in lifestyle and leisure services and management, and to our reputable partners, we have unique knowledge of medical services in France and abroad.

Our knowledge is based on the actual experience of our clients, and relationships with leading doctors and highly rated clinics in various fields. We know the kind of services people seeking treatment abroad are looking for: the lack of a language barrier[IT1]  in Israel is extremely important to the older generation; a check-up in Germany can be combined with business travel; and the climate on the south coast of France enables faster recovery and makes it possible to combine treatment and leisure.

"Treatment abroad" covers the following:

Medical check-ups

A medical check-up is an outpatient examination (taking from 3 hours to 3 days) at a medical centre equipped with the latest technology.

A medical check-up can help to prevent health problems, identify risks, and set you on the path to a healthy lifestyle.

Treatment and diagnosis

We choose a clinic and specialist in accordance with your request, oversee the treatment plan and cost, and arrange follow-up consultations.

The treatment method may be either orthodox (including the latest medical advances from the USA and Japan) or alternative: Ayurveda, Chinese traditional medicine, etc.


Surgery is a fundamental area of medicine, as for most serious diseases of the internal organs surgical intervention is the main method of treatment. Western clinics offer their patients a broad range of surgical services. They use the best surgical and microsurgical instruments, together with advanced diagnosis and treatment methods.

Restorative medicine

The latest developments in restorative medicine and post-illness recovery will help you get back to normal life as soon as possible. Unlike in Russia[IT2] , Western practices take an integrated approach to healthcare, with the recovery process being regarded as an essential part of treatment and health restoration.

Health resorts and spas

Spa centres offer a wide range of rejuvenation, weight loss and body and facial skin care programmes –both standard treatments and original methods. You can always review the list of treatments offered in advance and book the services you want.

Paramedical services

Support, document translation, transfers, medical visas, air and rail tickets, air medical services

   Ophthalmology: Theresienhöhe Eye Clinic, Munich, Germany; New Vision Clinic, Nice, France; Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK


   Cardiology: German Heart Centre, Munich, Germany; Bad Krozingen University Heart Centre, Germany; Vienna General Hospital, Austria; Sejong General Hospital, South Korea; Monaco Cardio-thoracic Centre


   Orthopaedics: ATOS Clinic, Munich, Germany; ORTHOPARC Clinic, Cologne, Germany; Wooridul Spine Hospital, South Korea; Toho University Omori Medical Centre; Quirón Hospital, Barcelona, Spain


   Oncology: Heidelberg University Hospital, Germany; The Institut Curie Hospital, France; Severance Hospital, South Korea; University of Tsukuba Hospital, Tsukuba; Austria; Parkway Cancer Centre, Singapore


   Transplantology: Vanderbilt University Medical Center, USA; Mayo Clinic, Arizona, USA; Gleneagles Hospital and Medical Centre, Singapore; Barcelona Hospital Clinic, Spain

Gynaecology and obstetrics: Santa Maria Clinic (Lenval Foundation), Nice; Saint George Clinic, Nice; Princess Grace Hospital Centre, Monaco

Plus many more

You will be cared for by qualified specialists at the very highest level.

Your course of treatment will be chosen by a medical professional, who will always be ready to give you advice.

 [IT1]You mean probably Russian speakers

 [IT2]Please note the relevance to the English speaking audience


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