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+33 4 93 80 79 85

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Medicine, beauty, childbirth

Thanks to our considerable experience in lifestyle and leisure services and management, and to our reputable partners, we have unique knowledge of medical services in France and abroad.

Our knowledge is based on the actual experience of our clients, and relationships with leading doctors and highly rated clinics in various fields. We know the kind of services people seeking treatment abroad are looking for: the lack of a language barrier in Israel is extremely important to the older generation; a check-up in Germany can be combined with business travel; and the climate on the south coast of France enables faster recovery and makes it possible to combine treatment and leisure.

The climate on the French Riviera, exceptionally favorable for the period of pregnancy and the first months of a child's life, will soon undergo rehabilitation after treatment or childbirth, or to combine treatment with leisure.

As for beauty and health, France – the birthplace of thalassotherapy and systems improvement with use of thermal waters, one of the most advanced countries in terms of aesthetics and plastic surgery.


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